Valle Crucis News

Have you noticed? The light is changing outside. The sunlight is definitely beginning to take on that Fall look. And the temperatures are very pleasant during the day and at night. Ethel and I have been canning like mad. We’re just finishing some salsa and some tomato soup. We do so enjoy putting up the harvest, and we’re thankful for LC and Weezy’s help. One of the pleasures of the summer is sitting on the porch breaking beans and sharing the happenings in the community.

Did you stop by Rivercross Market this weekend? We had dropped by the Mast Store to get a couple of those fantastic fried apple pies from the Farmers’ Market and noticed that Rivercross had people going in and out of its doors. Being the nosy people that we are, we dropped in. Wow! It looks so different inside. We found lots of ideas for gifts – it’s a great place to stop for wedding gifts in particular.

One of the most fascinating things we saw as a “sculpture” that hangs on your porch or in a window with a motor called “Levitating Marbles.” They are made of large glass marbles in a spiral with another smaller marble below it. As it rotates, it looks like the marble moves up and down in the spiral. Pretty creative stuff!

[push]Here’s a good quote about light: We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own. – Ben Sweetland[/push]

I got some good news from my friend Tom at the Valle Crucis Conference Center. He told me that one of the little piggies from the sustainable farm is still with us. She was just moved to another place to have the pleasure of rooting up! Now, her compatriots, well, they are in piggie heaven.

I also heard some good news about Jillian Buchanan. She is recovering, but it is going to be a slow process. John says that she recognizes some things that are familiar to her, but she is not connecting totally with her environment. So, please remember to think of both of them – John and Jillian – they are in for an uphill battle as her brain continues to heal and she begins rehabilitation.

This week at the Park the concert will feature local favorites The Forget-Me-Nots. Once you hear them, you won’t soon forget them. These young ladies are very talented and have even written their own music in addition to playing traditional Celtic and classical pieces. Oh, and this week, the music begins at 6 p.m. Hope to see you there and remember to bring a jacket; it can get a little chilly.

Happy Birthday to Mike Taylor and Travis Donovan on September 1 and to Dede Workman on September 3. My best wishes to all of you for fine celebrations and lots of fun!

Ethel will be back with pen in hand next month. I’m sure there are lots of things that she will unearth to share with you. She’s always so good at getting the scoop. Please let us know about things that you know are happening. Just send us an e-mail at If you need to send it by the postal service, mail it to:
Valle Crucis News
c/o Sandy Shook
Watauga Democrat
474 Industrial Park Drive
Boone, NC 28607

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