Valle Crucis Festival

The Valle Country Fair, sponsored by Holy Cross Episcopal Church, is held in the field across from the Apple Barn on the third Saturday of October each year. The idea for the Fair actually came about as a fundraiser for the Church of the Holy Cross building fund. When it was “pitched” to the rector, he agreed with the idea with the understanding that in coming years the fund from the Fair would be shared with the community.

In the beginning, the people of the church made many of the crafts, cooked the food, provided the entertainment, helped with parking, and threw a big square dance at the Apple Barn on Fair night. Over the last 20 plus years, a few things have changed. Now, vendors from all over the South make their way to what they term as “the most successful show of the year.” Parking is typically handled by another community group as a fundraiser; the elementary school does a chicken or poor man’s supper in the evening; and other non-profit groups set up booths with food, etc.

One of the goals of the Valle Country Fair is to provide a “home-grown” experience. Crafters are juried in and must hand-make their items. The canned goods, cakes, muffins, cookies, etc. are all made in home kitchens. The entertainment is all local and can range from bluegrass to storytelling to clogging to poetry reading. Come early for the best selection and get your applebutter first thing – it sells out before the end of the day.